
Research by year of conference or publication 

(updated last: November 2024

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Papers and Conferences in 2024

Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP) 2024

Limited by Number of Morphemes, not Copied Segments: Multiple Reduplication and Triplication in St’át’imcets [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen

International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages 59 (ICSNL 59)

Reduplication and “vowel reduction” in Lushootseed. Paper at International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages [slides] [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Suzanne Urbanczyk

Phonetic, Phonological, and Morphological Sources of Vowel Reduplication: The Innovation of V1 Reduplication in Salish [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Colloquium for UVic Department of Linguistics

The Role of Derived Allophones in Vowel Systems [slides]

Amanda Cardoso and Gloria Mellesmoen

Papers and Conferences in 2023

Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 20)

Mapping phonetic variation to phonological units: Feature sharing in Comox-Sliammon (Salish) [poster/paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Amanda Cardoso

The quantitative phonetic analysis of languages with small accessible populations [poster/paper]

Márton Sóskuthy, Una Chow, Gloria Mellesmoen, and Emily Sadlier-Brown

International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages 58 (ICSNL 58)

A newly discovered reduplication pattern in St’át’imcets and its implications [slides/paper]

Henry Davis and Gloria Mellesmoen

30th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm30)

Expanding the inventory of mora affixation: Diminutive reduplication in Lillooet [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Moraic vs. X-Slot Syllabification: The Debate - Fringe Workshop at the 30th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm30)

The Mora is Key to Unified Analysis of Microvariation in Reduplication: The Distribution and Form of Plural Reduplication Across Dialects of Straits (Salish) [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen

West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 41

Monomoraic Syllables with Non-Moraic Vowels in Salish: The Structure of a Monomoraic Syllable in Comox-Sliammon Reduplication [Poster PDF]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Papers and Conferences in 2022

Linguistics Vanguard, 2022

Cross-dialectal synchronic variation of a diachronic conditioned merger in Tlingit [paper]

Amanda Cardoso , James Crippen and Gloria Mellesmoen. 

Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics (CWSL) 4, 2022

Exploring Phonetic Variation and the Individual Grammar: Sociolinguistics and Fieldwork in the Context of Smaller Speech Communities [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen 

Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages 57 (ICSNL 57)

DIG Reconstruction and the Secret Life of Proto-Salish Diminutives [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

The Sleigh Accident: An ʔayʔaǰuθəm Childhood Memory [paper]

Joanne Francis, Marianne Huijsmans, Henry Davis, Laura Griffin, Gloria Mellesmoen, Daniel Reisinger, and Bailey Trotter

Papers and Conferences in 2021

International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL) 87(3), 2021

How to distribute events: ʔayʔaǰuθəm pluractionals [paper]

Marianne Huijsmans and Gloria Mellesmoen. 

Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages 56 (ICSNL 56)

Syllables and Reduplication in Bella Coola (Nuxalk) [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

An Overview of Control and Non-Control in ʔayʔaǰuθəm  (Comox-Sliammon) [paper]

Marianne Huijsmans and Gloria Mellesmoen 

Some Remarks on the Distribution and Representation of Glottalized Resonants in Salish [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Suzanne Urbanczyk

12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (ICNGL12), 2021

Investigating phonemic inventories without minimal pairs: Defining contrast in the vowel inventory of Comox-Sliammon (ʔayʔaǰuθəm) [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Amanda Cardoso

Endangered Languages as Heritage Languages: Divergent Attainment and Phonological Regularization of Diminutive Reduplication in Comox-Sliammon (Salish) [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen

28th Manchester Phonology Meeting (mfm28), 2021

Words without Vowels, Reduplication, and Syllable Structure in Bella Coola (Nuxalk) [abstract]

Gloria Mellesmoen

West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics 39 (WCCFL), 2021

Reduplicative morphemes and their non-reduplicative allomorphs in Stratal OT: Stem-level and word-level reduplication in Hul’q’umi’num’ [poster] [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen 

Papers and Conferences in 2020

Annual Meeting on Phonology (AMP), 2020

Binarity in prosodic morphology and elsewhere [poster] [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Suzanne Urbanczyk

Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA) 147(4), 2020

Acoustically distinct and perceptually ambiguous: ʔayʔaǰuθəm (Salish) fricatives [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Molly Babel

Working Papers of the Linguistics Circle of Victoria (WPLC) 30(1), 2020

A reanalysis of CV- reduplication in Comox-Sliammon [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages 55 (ICSNL 55 - August 2020)

Mora affixation and Halkomelem imperfective allomorphy [paper

Gloria Mellesmoen and Suzanne Urbanczyk

Statives in ʔayʔaǰuθəm and St’át’imcets [paper

Henry Davis, Marianne Huijsmans, and Gloria Mellesmoen

Extracting possessors in ʔayʔaǰuθəm (and beyond) [paper]

Henry Davis, Laura Griffin, Marianne Huijsmans, and Gloria Mellesmoen

The Fisher and the Little Fish: An ʔayʔaǰuθəm version of Aesop's fable  [paper]

Karen Galligos, D. K. E. Reisinger, Gloria Mellesmoen, Marianne Huijsmans, and Laura Griffin 

Laboratory Phonology 17 (LabPhon 17 - July 2020) 

Modularity and the allophone in the Comox-Sliammon (Salish) vowel system [poster]

Gloria Mellesmoen

West Coast Conference in Formal Linguistics 38 (WCCFL 38 - March 2020)

Avoiding multiple reduplication without INTEGRITY [handout] [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Suzanne Urbanczyk

Spelling out object agreement in Central Salish [poster] [paper]

Nicholas Baier and Gloria Mellesmoen

Berkeley Language Society (BLS) Workshop: Phonological Representations: At the Crossroad between Gradience and Categoricity (2020)

Contrast in the Comox-Sliammon (ʔayʔaǰuθəm) vowel system [poster]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Amanda Cardoso

Paper and Conferences in 2019

Canadian Acoustics, 47(3),  2019

Production study of Spanish spirantization in naturalistic speech [paper]

Grace Purnomo, Gloria Mellesmoen, Arian Shamei, and Bryan Gick

Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 19, 2019)

Perceptual adaptation to stereotyped accents in audio-visual speech [paper]

Molly Babel and Gloria Mellesmoen

The relationship between pronunciation and orthography: Using acoustic analysis as a practical illustration of ʔayʔaǰuθəm (Comox-Sliammon) vowel quality [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Marianne Huijsmans

Proceedings of the 29th Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT 29, 2019)

Types of pluractionalty and plurality across domains in ʔayʔaǰuθəm [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Marianne Huijsmans

5th Workshop on Sound Change (WSC 5, 2019)

Acoustic evidence for a fricative-first path from Proto-Salish *t͡s to Comox-Sliammon /θ/ [poster]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on the Semantics of Under-Represented Languages in the Americas (SULA 10, 2019)

How to distribute events: ʔayʔaǰuθəm pluractionals [paper]

Marianne Huijsmans and Gloria Mellesmoen

Annual Canadian Linguistics Association Conference/Association canadienne de linguistique (CLA/ACL, 2019)

Pluractionality in ʔayʔaǰuθəm [talk slides and paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Marianne Huijsmans

Spanish spirantization is not phonetic weakening: a modular view [poster]

Grace Purnomo, Gloria Mellesmoen, and Bryan Gick

Sinn und Bedeutung 24 (SuB 24, 2019)

Composing distributive numerals: Evidence from Comox-Sliammon [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen, Lisa Matthewson, and Henry Davis

Papers for the Fifty-Fourth International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages (ICSNL 54, 2019)

Degree constructions in two Salish languages [paper]

Henry Davis and Gloria Mellesmoen

A fricative-first path from Proto-Salish *c to /s/ and /θ/ in Central Salish. [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Stative allomorph selection and raised pitch in ʔayʔaǰuθəm [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Marianne Huijsmans

Papers and Conferences in 2018

Frontiers in Communication 3, 2018

Prior pronunciation knowledge bootstraps word learning [paper]

Khia Johnson, Gloria Mellesmoen, Roger Lo, and Bryan Gick

Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 40 (TWPL 40 - 2018)

A remedial path to merger: Merger by phonological transfer in British Columbia English [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen 

Papers for the 53rd International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages (ICSNL 53, 2018)

A one (morpheme) by one (morpheme) approach to paʔapyaʔ: -Vʔ- as a temporal pluractional infix in Comox-Sliammon [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Sonorant voicing ([SV]) in Comox-Sliammon [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

In Wa7 xweysás i nqwal’utteníha i ucwalmícwa: He loves the people’s languages: Essays in honour of Henry Davis

A preliminary look at glottalized resonants in ʔayʔaǰuθəm: Not a piece of caique [paper]

Marion Caldecott and Gloria Mellesmoen

To copy or not to copy, that is the question: Regarding consonant-vowel interactions in ʔayʔaǰuθəm imperfective reduplication [paper]

Marianne Huijsmans, Gloria Mellesmoen, and Suzanne Urbancyzk

Papers and Conferences in 2017

Papers for the 52nd International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages (ICSNL 52, 2017)

All the small things: Diminutive reduplication as infixation in ʔayʔaǰuθəm  [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Overt third person object agreement in ʔayʔaǰuθəm [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Result state holds! Stative aspect and non-control morphology in ʔayʔaǰuθəm [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen and Bruno Andreotti 

Northwest Linguistics Conference, (NWLC 33, 2017)

STRUT-Raising in British Columbia English: Evidence for a Parallel Canadian Shift [slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen

Papers and Conferences in 2016

University of Toronto (MA, 2016)

Front Vowel Phonology of BC English [forum paper] 

Gloria Mellesmoen

Strathy Student Working Papers on Canadian English (2016)

Discerning the sub-phonemic identity of pre-nasal /æ/ in British Columbia English [paper]

Gloria Mellesmoen

2nd Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics (CWSL 2, 2016)

Allophones in the Canadian Shift: Evidence from a sub-phonemic chain shift in British Columbia English [talk slides]

Gloria Mellesmoen